When Shopping For A New Car Make Sure To Shop For The Best Insurance Rates As Well
Most people spend more time shopping for their car than they do shopping for the best auto insurance rates. This is a mistake. As a smart consumer, you need to allot time for getting the best rate for your insurance. Your three goals are getting the best insurance rates, getting the best financing and getting the best price.
If you don’t shop around for the best rate your insurance premium can be more than your car payment. I’ve seen it happen and it’s not pretty. You are all happy and excited about your new car up until you find out how much the insurance is going to cost you. Then you struggle just to make the insurance payments. Or worse, you cut coverages to keep within your budget. For example, having the highest deductible, $1,000-$2,000.
It’s not hard to shop around for the best rate either. There are several comparison sites that will give you several quotes from multiple insurance companies to make sure you get the best rate. Use them. It only takes 10-15 minutes and it can save you from plenty of financial headaches. Just like the a commercial insurance says, “15 minutes could save you 15% or more,” 15 minutes on a insurance comparison site will guarantee you get the best car insurance rates available.
When you do shop around, always be sure to have a copy of your current policy available for comparison. This will make getting the quote as painless as possible. That way you compare all the coverages and make sure you are getting the same discounts with the new company as the old one.
One thing that can surprise you is monthly payment fees so be on the lookout for these. Some companies charge you a monthly fee when you make monthly payments, maybe $3-$4 a month. That’s an extra $36-$48 a year you need to factor into your comparisons.
There’s nothing like thinking you’re getting a great deal only to find out it’s a good deal once all the dust is settled and you get your new policy. If you’re only going to save a few dollars a month after you switch to the new company maybe it’s best to stay put. Sometimes you will lose loyalty discounts with your current company that you won’t get with the new company. Or the customer service or claims service is great at the current company. These days that is worth more than a few dollars a month to me so keep these small things factored into the equation.
Shopping for car insurance is quick and easy and you may even save hundreds of dollars per year. All it takes is about 15 minutes. Make sure you put ‘shop for car insurance’ on your car wish list when you go car shopping.